8 min read

Best gamification books

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Published on
Dec 1, 2022

In this article, we will tell you about the best gamification books with a top that we have made! Read on to find out more! By Smartico!

Gamification is a strategy that uses game design elements in non-game contexts. The goal is to make boring tasks more fun and engaging through the use of game design elements, such as rewards for completing tasks, challenges, points, status indicators, and feedback.

Gamification can be used in many different ways it could be used to change the way you think about your work or even improve your health and fitness.

Businesses are increasingly looking at gamification as a way to engage their customers and employees. The benefits of gamification include:

-Engagement: Gamification has been shown to increase engagement with content by as much as 400%. Users who interact with the site are more likely to return for more information or purchase a product or service.

-Learning: Gamification can help improve retention rates of new users by up to 300%. It also helps users retain the information they learned while playing games that they might not otherwise remember if they were not playing them.

-Motivation: Games are inherently motivating because they give users immediate feedback on performance relative to other players, which helps them improve their gameplay over time. This same principle applies when using games in business applications like training employees or motivating people toward a goal.

-Social interaction: Games create social opportunities where people can interact with each other and collaborate toward common goals, which increases employee engagement in their work environment and helps build trust among team members.

Let's start with our special mention (What is Gamification? - The Most Advanced Guide.) By Smartico!

Guide summaries:

-What is gamification?

-The history of gamification: A timeline of key achievements and developments

-Gamification through the ages – A historical timeline

-The history of gamification – The late 1800s and the 1900s

-The history of gamification – The 2000s

-The history of gamification – The 2010s

-The thriving state of gamification






This guide from Smartico is extremely interesting if you want to know more about the history of gamification!

The guide is available on the link below!


1) (Gamify) by Brian Burke

Let's start with Burke's book. He says gamification is about motivating players to achieve their goals, not about making employees more productive or having fun at work. Burke believes that gamification is engrossing because it creates motivation and meaning. He also discusses how gamification can be tied to corporate culture.

2) (The Small Big) by Steve Martin, Noah Goldstein, and Robert Cialdini

This book is about how small insights can have a big impact. It is not only about gamification, but it includes a story of an experiment by Professor Adam Grant from the Wharton School of Business. Professor Grant studied how reminding staff of the greater overall goal, or outcome, of their actions—helping college students get scholarships—would affect their performance. He compared this to reminding them of their benefits, such as salaries and bonuses. Employees with a greater or “higher goal” were much more productive. The bottom line, communicating the core of the company makes workers perform better. Gamification is one way to achieve this.

3) (Drive) by Daniel H. Pink

Gamification is not about motivating people to do work by using monetary rewards or competition, as Daniel Pink argues in his book. He says that money and competition are not real drivers or motivators of human nature. Instead, people are motivated by a sense of autonomy or mastery which he has coined the “third drive.” Drive, he says, is an intrinsic motivation; it’s about feeling like you can do your best work. And this fascinating book full of interesting experiments shows that extrinsic motivation and rewards can impair an employee’s performance.

4) (Reality Is Broken) Why games make us better and how they can change the world by Jane McGonigal

In her groundbreaking book, game designer Jane McGonigal explains how games can help us become more creative and resilient. She cautions, however, that not every game is suitable for everyone and that playing too much can have negative effects on our lives. What I love most about her work is her notion that games can be “hard work” and fulfill concrete needs within us.

5) The Art of Game Design–Jesse Schell

In his book, Schell focuses on the totality of the experience, which I liken to Norman’s design of everyday things because it describes the designer as a communicator through the game to the user. But he also hones in on how experience motivates actions, mechanics, and decision-making within the game space.

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