Smartico Gamification

BY THE END OF 2020, predictions are that more than 80% of online sport betting and casinos will be gamified.
Loyalty in the online casino industry has decreased drastically in the last decade.
Increase throughout the year.
Players lose interest quicker and search for thrills and change of scenery moving to another brand.
How do we solve this problem?
Gamification can increase engagement by 60%. is the platform that will help you to solve the above problems in a one stop shop. allows you to use a gamification strategy by taking something that already exists – your online casino – and using challenges and gaming techniques to motivate consistent participation and long-term engagement to your players.
Encourage engagement by offering specific tasks to complete, defined by a variety of events combination from the real time data stream. Boost player engagement, make it fun and challenging.
Reward achievements visually, make your players feel more rewarded by giving free spins or bonuses with each badge.
Are feedback mechanics. They can track progress, as well as be used as a way to unlock new things. Earn points to level up and progress, use your points at the shop.
Come in different flavours, most commonly relative or absolute. Commonly used to show people how they compare to others and so others can see them. Organize the players by amount of points, the winners of the daily/weekly/monthly leaderboards will be rewarded.
Create a virtual economy and allow people to spend their points on virtual goods like Free Spins, Match bonuses, Free bonuses or real goods like Amazon items or a famous trip to Japan.
Define the goal of your mission
Is the mission locked for players? Choose the right event to unlock it
Choose which challenges the players will have to complete
Decide the amount of points awarded by completing each challenge
Assign a reward for the whole mission
Players win Leaderboards
Players Level-Up
Players shop items
Missions help to onboard users which only start their journey. They guide people who are new to your site, by typically easy tasks like “Make your 1st bet”, or “Make your first deposit”.
When users accomplish tasks or missions, they achieve different life goals. For example, taking challenges such as “Win 1000 times in 24 hours”, they move forward to their big life goal – Bankrupting your casino. Challenges are strong motivators which induce users to take the expected actions. They are the effective tools assisting to increase user engagement. Game elements such as a mission and challenge add interactivity to your site, and have proven to increase the time spent of your players on your site.
Use missions to reduce churn, by saying “Login every day for a month” or repetitive missions like “Make at least 1 bet per day for 7 days” with a sequel mission “Make at least 1 bets per day for 30 days” that will be unlocked once the previous one is completed. Missions and challenges make people return to your casino more often because some tasks require constant actions within your site.
Win hearts and minds
Create emotional and intellectual appeals to sway your players to be on your side
Provide rewards
Encourage your players and motivate them by meaningful rewards
Integrate technology
Build the gamification into your players existing routines and rhythms of their gameplay
Our powerful tool combines Gamification with a strong Marketing mechanics that allow you to control a chain of events from one place.
Notify your players about the new missions, unlocked missions, leaderboard winners or about gaining new levels and more, by Web Messages, Push notifications, SMS, Email or any other communication channel.
Analyze via the Data Studio BI in Real-Time how Gamification is helping you improve your Acquisition, Retention, Churn rate reduction, Revenue, and the reduce the cost of your call center by automated campaigns that will keep your players busy, and offering them a Self-Service shop where they can buy Free Spins or other types of bonuses where if integrated are redeemed automatically for the players upon purchase.
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